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Catholic Identity

"I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly."

Title: The World of Prayer

Year Level: 9 & 10

Strand: Prayer

Suggested Duration: 10 weeks (20 hours)

Enduring Questions: What is prayer? How can I nurture my spirituality?

Unit Outline
Lesson Plan

Unit Focus:

In this unit, students will focus on the concept of prayer as communication with God, expressing our relationship with God, both individually and communally. Such communication and expression assists in making meaning of life experiences. In investigating prayer, students will consider a range of formal and informal prayer forms.

Achievement Standards:

By the end of Year Ten, students should be able to:
Students recognise prayer as central to growing in faithful relationship to the living God.

Unit Outcomes:

By the end of this unit students should be able to:

  1. Recognise that experiences of joy, hope, grief and gratitude are springboards to different forms of prayer.
  2. Recognise the ways that prayer invites a response to God by drawing on examples from Hebrew and Christian Scriptures.
  3.  Analyse and experience a variety of prayers in the Catholic tradition, including meditation, liturgy, reflection, litanies, Marian prayer.
  4. Identify elements of prayer including ritual, symbol, sacred space, music and movement.







APPENDIX 1: Prayer Quotes
APPENDIX 2: List of Formal Prayers
APPENDIX 3: Litany of the Saints
APPENDIX 4: Assessment Scripture
APPENDIX 5: Meditation Script
APPENDIX 6: Warming the Heart
